Monday, November 12, 2012

Oh, hey!

So I went MIA from the blogosphere for a few months. Ooops. I began to understand how the lovely Ms. Sweet Brown felt when she emphatically exclaimed, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" But I'm back because it's kind of fun, and realistically, no one is hanging on my every word. So if I skip a day or two (or 46), no one will be too upset. Or even notice. But I digress.

An update on the past few months:

  • Moved to Atlanta!
  • Accepted another internship because, clearly, I have an addiction to working without pay. Fortunately, it's been great and worthwhile and will hopefully lead to something... please?
  • Currently working two part-time retail jobs. Don't pity or condescend to me - I get fabulous discounts on clothes.
  • Still randomly take on a wedding every now and then. Yes, I still love fussing at groomsmen, appeasing brides and running around like a crazy person in all black. 
  • Very little time for a social life or sleep and I really miss my dog.
  • Baking at every opportunity because it is a great stress reliever and I'm secretly trying to make my roommates fat. Just kidding! Not really...
Yep, that's pretty much it. Oh, and my hair has gotten pretty long. Ahhh, the glamourous life of a 20-something post grad. I need a cat...